Thursday, February 18, 2021

Week 2- Beginning to film

 This week was our second week of filming. Me and my two partners, Courtney and Peter, were able to get onto the field this week. We completed all of the shots we needed for our movie opener this week.

We did not have any issues either. We worked and planned out our day of filming very well. We made sure we would be able to get on the field by having an administrator take us out to the field and unlocked all the gates for us. We also made sure we had all the equipment needed such as cleats, gloves, balls, and bats. Luckily, the weather and the lighting was perfect for our day of filming. 


The first to pictures we got from filming this week are me and Peter fielding the ball and throwing to first. These shots play a big role in our movie opener because the majority of the film is Peter and I playing baseball. Courtney took these photos while she was filming for us. 


These 3 photos are from the shots we took of me pitching and Peter catching. These are also shots featured in our movie opener of Peter and I practicing.  

This picture is of Courtney who is acting as our college recruiter from Florida Gulf Coast University. This is a very important scene in our movie because this is when Peter and I notice the scout sitting in the stands of our baseball team. Then we go over to her and introduce ourselves which then leads us into the next scene of the movie opener. 

Our last scene shown in the picture is when me and Peter go to a table outside the baseball field and talk to Courtney, the college coach. This is when Peter and I sign the paper committing to play baseball to  FGCU. Then, the screen goes black and shoes the name of our movie, "The Next Level".

Overall our second week of filming was very successful. We ran into no issues and we planned very well. We also worked very well together and got things done efficiently. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Week 1 Beginning to film

Me and my group decided to start filming this week. We decided to clips this week that didn't require going all the way out to the baseball field because we did not have enough time this week. So we decided to film clips such as putting the clips on and walking to the field. 


This is Courtney taking a picture of me and Peter walking out to the baseball field which will be the first scene of our movie opener. We did it by the entrance towards all the schools fields. We couldn't go closer to the field because the gates were locked which were our first obstacle. So we improvised and did what we could for this scene. 


Next we decided to film the scenes of me and Peter tying our cleats which is going to be a close up shot for our movie opener. We did these outside the field and me and Peter both got our cleats and tied them while Courtney video taped us. 


Our next shot that we filmed is me and Peter stretching getting ready to throw to each other. Courtney got good angles and good lighting of us on grass fielding. The picture above is a picture of Courtney filming us while we started to stretch. This is going to be the fourth clip in our movie film.

Today we faced the challenge of not being able to get onto the field but we worked it out and filmed the parts this week that we don't need on the field. Next week we are going to make sure we have a key to the field so we can shoot the shots that need to be on the field. We have about 4 more shots to film and then all we have to do is edit it together and add the background music and effects. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Q3 week 3 - preparing to film

Actors- Courtney (FGCU Scout), Theresa and Peter (athletes). 
Costumes- Theresa and Peter (Softball/Baseball clothes including cleats), Courtney (FGCU gear)
Props- Softball/Baseball bats, gloves, balls, cleats for Theresa and Peter. FGCU folders and clipboard for Courtney.
Location- The Lely High School baseball field, the bleachers outside the field, and tables by the field. 
Dates and times- Unsure about the date but planning on filming next week or the week after. (Week of the 8th or 15th). Planning on filming after school and sports practices so around 4:30 or 5:00.
Scripts- Going off of the storyboard we created last week. Only dialogue will be between Theresa and Peter talking about who the lady (Courtney) is sitting at the bleachers, and also when Courtney is talking to the two athletes. The rest will be music. 
Film equipment- Theresa's phone using the regular camera app so then editing can be done on the same phone.

We plan on using establishing shots, close ups, extreme close ups, and pan shots. 

CCR Here is the link to my CCR.