Tuesday, March 9, 2021

week 7 editing

- This week, we decided on the background music. As you can see in the photo, the green bar underneath the film is the music that I downloaded from youtube. 

- The same people working on this weeks editing is the same as last week. We didn't have to as much as last week because we did majority of the work already. Me, Peter, and Courtney all worked together to find a good background song to put behind the film. 

- The titles and fonts we used were the same as last week and we didn't add anything this week. 
Also, we did not add any new video effects and transitions because we finished it all last week. 

-For audio, we watched tutorials on how to legally upload songs to your computer and then into iMovie, the editor we used. We then figured it out on YouTube studio, and successfully uploaded the song to iMovie. 

- Some problems faced was trying to figure out how to upload the music. We had a lot of options and ideas that we liked but most of them were copyrighted and we couldn't download them.

- Our solution to these problems was looking up tutorials on how to find the legal music that we could download. We followed the tutorials and picked a song that fits the video well. 

- We spent 2 class periods trying to figure out how to get the music on the computer. Then once we figured it out, we spent another class period trying to pick a song that we all agreed on. 

-Overall, editing went very well this week and we finished the video completely. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Week 6 - Editing

 - This was my screen during editing. I decided to use iMovie to edit our film because that is the software that I feel the most comfortable with. Overall, iMovie gave me no problems while editing and everything went smoothly.

-This is a photo of my group members working on the editing. We all worked together to decide what order the clips are in and made sure they were all the same length. 



- We decided to put the titles at the end of the opener to make it a little more dramatic. The title that we came up with is, "The Next Level". We felt as if this title portrayed our theme well of going to college to play baseball which is the next level for high school athletes. We chose the title to go into the middle of the frame.

-Some of the video effects and transitions we used were in between each clips. We used the fade away transition for most of them because they fit the best. We also used cross dissolve, and cross blur. 

- So far in our editing process, we have not used any audio but we decided weeks ago that there would be no dialogue in our film and it would just be music. We haven't decided the song yet but that is going to be our next step for editing. 

- We discovered not many problems while editing. I was successfully able to transfer all the film over to my computer from my phone to upload into iMovie.  The only trouble was finding everything but once I noticed the problem, I fixed it right away by making a folder, and putting all the videos and pictures into the one folder. This fixed the problem immediately and made it easier to upload videos. 

- I took the whole week to edit and most of the time was transferring all the videos to my computer and making sure my team members had all the clips needed for their blogs. I spent 2 hours straight on the editing of the video making sure all the clips were flowing together and all were up for the right amount of time. 

- Me, Courtney, and Peter all worked on the editing together. They gave their ideas of what clip should go where and I used my computer to put it all together and edit the video. 

- While I was editing all the clips into the final video I noticed we had some extra clips that we did not have to use. This happened because we recorded more than enough clips just incase we would of found issues in the clips later on in the editing process. 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVpv2hH_C7M Here is the link to my CCR.