Thursday, April 15, 2021

movie opener final cut

We decided to add a black screen with text at the end of the video so people can have a better understanding of what the movie is going to be about since that is what the biggest concern on the peer reviews. On the black screen, we put "Keep watching to follow them in their college baseball journey." Because of this change we had to make another change and it was putting the title of the movie at the beginning of the movie opener instead of the end. This is because we put the text at the end and it didn't look good with 2 black screens back to back at the end. We also tried to make the video clearer. It was hard because of how big the movie was but we ended up getting a clearer picture. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Peer Reviews


Everyone said our camera angles were good so i'm glad to hear that because we worked hard on trying to incorporate different angles. Also people said they liked our song/audio choice which is good because we thought it was a good match as well. 

On the other hand, some people said they thought dialogue would have helped people understand the plot and some said that they understood what was going on the whole time. I am probably going to leave the music because it went well but maybe add a little dialogue when we are signing to college with Courtney (the recruiter). The whole point was there to be no dialogue and for the music to be intense and show how hard the athletes are working. I'm also glad people understood why we pointed at Courtney. 

There was a good idea presented to add brightness to the film, I'm not completely sure how to do that, but I will definitely look into that because it is a good idea.

The main concern from the peer reviews is that there was no dialogue. That was the whole point of our movie opener but we will think about adding dialogue at the end. 

CCR Here is the link to my CCR.