Sunday, October 11, 2020

Weeks 5 and 6- master edits


1. Leitmotif: In my video, I showed leitmotif all throughout the store, Seed To Table. Leitmotif are elements that contribute to the overall structure of something. Leitmotif is a re-occuring theme seen within something or someplace. At Seed To Table, the theme of the whole store is patriotism and loving your country as well as the owners supporting President Trump. Throughout the store there are many American flags, Trump signs, and even Trump cutouts, which al contribute to the leitmotif that is going on in the store. 

2. Symbolism: Symbolism is the art of imbuing object or things with meaning, making them represent something more than the sum of its parts. In my video I show symbolism in Seed To Table. Currently the whole store is decorated for fall. Most decorations are for Thanksgiving. The object I used to show symbolism with are the pumpkins all over the store. The pumpkins resemble the fall time and especially Thanksgiving. 

3. Contrast: Contrast often means opposite, but contrast can also happen when two things are just very different. In my video I showed the contrast between ketchup and mustard. They both are condiments, but they each have very different flavors. 

4: Parallelism: Parallelism is an editing technique seen in films that shows two or more scenes that happen simultaneously that happen in different locations. Most of the time regarding parallelism, the corresponding scenes will eventually meet or have some sort of connection action. In my video I showed parallelism in Seed To Table by showing two different locations, the coffee bar and the juice bar. That is two different locations that work in the same department so at one point in the night all the workers at both bar have to come together and finish the night. 

5: Simultaneity: Simultaneity is the relation between two events assumed to be happening at the same time in a given frame of reference. I showed this in my video by showing life at Seed to Table. While people are doing their regular grocery shopping through the store, in the same building only upstairs, people are having a full course meal while enjoying a live band and a full bar. The relationship between these two events/locations, is that it is all the same building and company.  

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