Wednesday, November 4, 2020

weeks 8&9 sound to films


1. In my first clip which is the leitmotif, I added the song "Proud to be an American" because that song represents the theme throughout the store, which is Pro America and support towards our president. Adding background music is a form of non-diegetic sound. 

2. In my second clip, symbolism, I did a voice over to better explain my transition and what the pumpkins were symbolizing. I explained how the pumpkins show that it is thanksgiving time. Voice over is a form of non-diegetic sound.

3. In my third clip, contrast, I used sound effects to show the difference between ketchup and mustard. Overall I think that ketchup is more popular and more people like it so I put bubbly noises. For the mustard, not as many people like it so I put booing noises. 

4. In my fourth clip, parallelism, I used sound effects again to show the difference between how busy it is at the coffee bar which is the first clip, and the juice bar, the second clip. When I showed the coffee bar you can tell it is slow and no customers, so I put cricket noises. In the scene with the juice bar, it was busy and you can tell that by the girl at the cash register giving someone their change, so I put cheering noises to tell the audience there is a lot of people there. 

5. And for my fifth clip, simultaneity, I used music again. I showed the quiet grocery part of the store and then I showed the bar upstairs that had loud music and people dancing. Both of these are happening at the same time. For the quiet grocery section I added music of relaxing lobby music. Then, for the upstairs bar, I added club music. I could have left the shot of upstairs without music and it would have been direct sound, but it was not as busy as it usually is so I wanted to get the point across. 

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