Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Film opening research #1- Murder Mystery

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 

The first and only title displayed is "Happy Madison Productions." This is the production company that produced the movie. This movie doesn't display the the movie title "Murder Mystery."

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

In the opening sequence, the images that are prioritized is first, 2 men walking down the street. This shows that these 2 men are going to be main characters throughout the movie. Another opening seen is that a female is doing hair at her job, a hair salon, and she is talking about how her husband promised her a trip to Europe 15 years ago but they have never went. Then, the camera zooms into a picture on her work desk of Europe, which her husband gave to her. 

What connotations do the images carry? 

The first scene, with the 2 men walking has the connotation of it being gloomy and dark outside, this goes with the title, Murder Mystery, and builds a little suspense. Also right behind where they are standing is a New York Police Department car. In the next scene, the connotation carried is it brings in humor letting the audience know it will be a comedy. In the scene in the hair dresser there are a couple dry jokes made. Also, it showed that this movie would be based around the trip to Europe. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 

The genre of horror comedy is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes. For example, technical codes are seen with the zoom in of the picture of Europe. Also, the comedy genre is noticeable especially in the hair salon scene but is also present when the two men are walking. They make quick one liner jokes, what Adam Sandler is known for. 

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?

This film establishes an enigma from the outset by creating a question of are they going to Europe or not. Also what is going to happen in Europe if they do not go. Also, in the beginning of the movie, when the two men are walking and talking, one of them mentions that they didn't pass a certain test and that the wife will be mad. So another question/puzzle arises of what was the test, why did he not pass, and why would the wife be mad. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

One of the strategies used is using popular and well known actors that younger people around the age 16-30 would know. Also the use of actors go very well with the movie being a comedy movie. For example, the main actor is Adam Sandler who is well known for comedy and also younger people are aware of him. Another actor that appeals to the audience of the younger population is Jennifer Anniston. Also, in the begging there is upbeat music which is a strategy for most comedy films.

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques. 

Technology has been used effectively in the opening of the movie. For example, the camera is following the two men walking while also showing the background with a darker lighting. While the two men are walking the camera angle used is an eye level shot. This is used to create emotion and create a connection with the characters. Also there are frequent zooms in the first 2 minutes of the movie. This is using a tight shot camera angle. This is when the camera zooms into the phone when the husband gets a text message, and also when the camera zooms into the picture of Europe. Transitions and editing techniques are seen when the scene is changed and a quick cut is used to change scenes.

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