Thursday, January 28, 2021

Initial Storyboard


Me, Peter, and Courtney first decided to make the plot of what the movie would be so then we can decide what the intro would showcase. We decided that the movie would be about Theresa and Peter, the two baseball players, and their journey of moving on from high school baseball to college baseball and Florida Gulf Coast University. Our movie would be about Theresa and Peters experience at FGCU and playing a college sport. We all agreed on naming the movie "The Next Level". Then we started planning our movie intro. We all said that it should start with Peter and Theresa at their high school and that the intro would show how they got to play at college. 

The first clip is going to be Peter and Theresa walking out to get to the field and getting ready to warm up and practice. There will definitely be an establishing shot to show the main setting. The next clip will be in the dugout and show all the equipment. Some camera angles that will be used will be close ups to make it seem dramatic and a high angle shot to make sure the angle shows all of the equipment. Next is Theresa and Peter playing on the field and there will be full shots of us throwing to each other. Next scene is when we realize the lady (Courtney), sitting in the bleachers. There will be a far shot showing Courtney and then a two shot of Theresa and Peter talking and looking confused. Then, the next scene is all 3 of the characters talking and Courtney explaining how she is a college coach and wants to recruit Theresa and Peter. Then the final scene is Courtney sliding a scholarship package to the athletes and then the screen goes black to create drama. 

We decided that there will be background music throughout the whole intro and also a voice over at times through certain scenes. We all worked well creating the story board and split the work and were able to work together. 

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