Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

 1. Rise- 

- Many various shots
          - Close ups and extreme close ups
          - The camera follows the soccer players movements 
           - Upbeat music that engages the viewer
           - Changes in music creates suspense
2. Offline-
           - Creepy music
           - Lowkey lighting to creep the viewer out
           - Drama
           - Contrast is shown by showing the girl in the cage and then her daily life.
3. Dear Lover-
           - Happy music
           - Romance/Romantic
           - Voice over creates connections towards the audience
           - The ending draws the viewers attention.     

4. Dare to Thrill-

            - Upbeat music
            -  Film opening was action packed. 
            - Confusing at the end

5. Always watching- 

            - Has some suspense 
            - Gave a lot of information for an opening scene

6. The Blue Boar

            - Good costumes
            - Good music and lots of different camera angles.
            - Happy tones
            - Symbolism in the end

7. White Coat

           - Quick cuts are used well, show characters confusion
           - Sound and music fit very well
           - Pulled the viewer in

8. Stalker

            - Sound effects created suspense
            - Could be drama and/or horror

9. Nostalgia

            - Camera cuts are used very well
            - Cuts between painting and people

Overall all the movie openers had a good amount of different camera angles and shots. I also feel like all the openers choice of music fit well and played a big part in the videos especially the horror/drama movies. My favorite one was "Rise", because it kind of had the same ideas that me, Peter, and Courtney had, of it being based off sports and starting off with skills of the sport. This movie opener also helped me start creating our story board and all the other videos as well gave me some ideas and inspiration.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVpv2hH_C7M Here is the link to my CCR.